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  close friend




  But one of my close friend travel came back from the outside, said to see my husband and a woman.

  women hated each other, but gradually they realized that they had a lot in common.Thus they changed from enemies into close friends.


  Where to go be it your best friends kitchen table or a yoga mat when your soul needs soothing.


  A quarter of girls like the fact their friends have patience when shopping, rather than fidgeting by the door way.

  旁邊交相輝映的是一幅妻子希勒的卡通畫,她身穿1992年競選時的運動衫,上面印有閨蜜希拉里克林頓(hillary clinton)的畫像。

  Propped up nearby is a cartoon of Shearer in a 1992 campaign sweater bearing a picture of close pal Hillary Clinton.


  And quit whining to your girlfriends.


  If you've been too busy for your mother or a close female friend, this is the week to make amends.


  This particular brand of female friendship seems very modern, and many culture critics have been provoked to hail Girls as revolutionary.


  Shopping with friends may be bad news for your bank balance, but at least you'll get your money's worth.


  This also means that you can come to a gay party and bring your straight friends and everyone has a great time together.


  The plot consists of Angie ' s more blatantly sexy female friends ' teaching her how to look and behave like an idiot.


  The study also polled women to find out if there were any downsides of shopping with friends-aside from the extra expense.


  'Spending time with girlfriends and hitting the shops or stopping for a coffee and a chat can lift a woman's mood.


  I told no one about what I had read, including my Googling friend and my husband, who wouldn ' t have cared.


  Spending time with girlfriends and hitting the shops, or stopping for a coffee and a chat, can lift a woman's mood.


  My boyfriend has met all of my guy friends so he ' s quite accepting of me hanging out with them, says Nellie.


  1. The Moment when You Say “I Love You” Just Before Hanging Up

  1. 掛斷電話的瞬間說“我愛你”

  There are some people who you automatically say this to when you are getting off the phone. In fact, you may say this out of habit when you are hanging up from a conversation with your bestie.


  2. The Moment when You Pee in Front of Each Other

  2. 當你們毫無忌諱地一起解手時

  There are only two people you can pee in front of once you are an adult: your spouse or partner, and your best friend. Of course, when you are with your friend, you are probably peeing together because you are both drunk, and there is only one available stall in the washroom.


  3. The Moment when You use Endearing Names

  3. 當你們稱呼對方的綽號時

  You may call each other names that others would consider rude, such as “bitch”, “weirdo”, etc., but this is perfectly normal in your friendship. You can insult each other without hurting one another’s feelings.


  4. The Moment when You need a Therapist

  4. 當你需要一個(心靈)理療師時

  The most important role your best friend can have is being there for you when times get rough, even when others shun you. Like a therapist, your best friend will not judge you. She will help you with whatever you are dealing with, and work with you to overcome your struggles. “In my opinion, from a mental health perspective, the most unforgettable moment that only best friends share is the unwavering, nonjudgmental, and always available ‘shoulder to cry on.’ The patients with mental health problems that I see who get better are the ones who have natural supports in the community, of which your best friend is your ‘go to’ person for support. So if you have someone who would give the ‘shirt off their back for you,’ you have a BFF,” says Carlo Carandang, MD, FAPA Psychiatrist from AnxietyBoss.

  閨蜜最重要的一個角色是當你遇到難過的經(jīng)歷時,哪怕是被人排擠了;她會像理療師一樣,并不去批評你做的不好,而是和你共同面對你的問題直到解決它們,不論是什么問題。“在我看來,從心里健康的角度,閨蜜間共處的最難忘時刻就是毫不動搖的、不帶批判色彩的,永遠地為你準備好一個肩膀讓你哭泣時能夠依靠。“我所見過的心理健康有問題的人之所以能夠從自然環(huán)境(而不是藥物)得到治愈是因為他們擁有可以'投奔'的閨蜜。因此如果你有這樣一位愿意為你傾囊而出的朋友,她就算是你的閨蜜了。”來自AnxietyBoss的心理學家Carlo Carandang說。

  5. The Moment when You Start Snuggling

  5. 當你們緊緊擁抱的時候

  It’s totally normal if you like to snuggle with your bestie. You can snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie, or even cuddle in bed if one of you has had a bad day.


  6. The Moment when You Don’t Knock

  6. 當你不敲門就直接進去時

  You know you are best friends when you can walk into each other’s homes without knocking. Your doors are always open for one another, and you treat her home like it’s yours, and vice versa.


  7. The Moment when You Borrow without Asking

  7. 當你不打招呼地借走某物時

  Best friends are like sisters, and you probably borrow stuff from each other all the time without asking. You know that you are going to say “yes” if she asks, so there is really no need for her to ask, and she feels the same about you.


  8. The Moment when You Send Ugly SnapChats

  8. 當你們互發(fā)搞怪自拍時

  You can brighten up an otherwise boring day by sending each other SnapChats of yourselves making ugly faces at the camera. The uglier, the better, because the photos are going to be hilarious. Of course, no one else is ever going to see them, so it doesn’t matter how bad either of you look.


  9. The Moment when You Share Personal Information

  9. 當你們分享彼此的小秘密時

  When you start talking about bodily functions, gynecological appointments, etc., you can be pretty sure that you are besties with no boundaries.


  10. The Moment when You Tell it Like it Is

  10. 當你將想法直言不諱時

  When she wants your opinion on something, and you are totally honest, is a true best friend moment. Don’t let her think you like something she is wearing if you really don’t. Even if she decides to wear it, she will appreciate the honesty.






