From :
Mail to :
Subject : My P-mail address ,etc.
Dear Mr. Doe :
Thank you for your email . As you requested , I am pleased to inform you of my P-mail , fax and phone numbers as follows:
P-mail : 76 , Xichang‘ anjie , Beijing
Fax : 86-10-1234-5678
Voice : 86-10-2345-6789
If you would like to talk to me direct on the phone , please call me at the above number after 7:00 PM. Thank you .
Sincerely ,
From :
Mail to : ******@******.**.**
Subject : wired at last !
Dear John ,
Test , test 、 test…. Can you read me ?
I am finally wired ! For the last several days I have a lot of trouble setting up my new computer , but I finally managed to tame it ---sort of . Now I am sending you this email via the internet to see if I am doing ok . will you please let me know as soon as you receive this email ? Thanks .
Jack Chen jchen@ms00.hinet.net
From :
Mail to : ******◎******.**.**
Subject : Thanks for your email
Dear John :
Thanks for replying to my email so quickly . It was only 30 minutes ago that I
posted my first email , and I already have received your reply . Unbelievable !
If it was ―snail mail ,‖ I would still be on my way back from the post
You kept telling me about the virtues of going ―digital , ―and now I think I understand what your meant by that . Being able to exchange mail with someone thousands of miles away in 30 minutes or even less is simply amazing .
Anyway , I just wanted to say thank you for the email and letting me know that I was doing OK . Like you said , let us keep in touch ---on-line!
Jack Chen jchen@ms00.hinet.net