
學習啦 > 熱門句子 > 個性簽名大全 > QQ個性簽名 > qq個性簽名英文簡短帶翻譯


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  在你的qq簽名中,用上一句英文的簽名,是不是特色不少,也讓你身份和檔次提升很多呢,OK,閑話少說,學習啦小編為大家收集了眾多的qq個性簽名 英文簡短,喜歡就用吧。

  qq個性簽名 英文簡短一

  1) Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry.

  2) 有的人還不知名字,就已經(jīng)成了心事。

  3) I don’t really know where I’m going, but I hope I go far.

  4) 我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望自己能走的遠一點。

  5) Miss as miss, miss read as offering, the chief read do not read.

  6) 想念不如懷念,懷念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。

  7) Do not allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not.

  8) 別讓你的傷把你變成了另一個人。

  9) You go, I did not cry, just forget how to laugh.

  10) 你走了,我沒有哭,只是忘了該怎么笑。

  11) Don't let the wrong people take the best of you.

  12) 別再讓不合適的人 帶走了最好的你。

  13) Haven't met in a long time how sad greeting.

  14) 好久不見是多么心酸的問候。

  15) Why want to miss time than long together.

  16) 何必要讓用來懷戀的時間比在一起還長。

  qq個性簽名 英文簡短二

  1) One day, lonely defeated the happiness.

  2) 終有一天,孤獨打敗了快樂。

  3) Say too much as silence think too much I will be sad.

  4) 說太多不如沉默 想太多我會難過。

  5) Sudden grievances, even with a stiff smile.

  6) 突如其來的委屈,連笑都帶著僵硬。

  7) I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky.

  8) 我攔不住要走的風,也抱不住整片天空。

  9) How to say goodbye to someone you don't want to lose.

  10) 該如何跟你不想失去的人說再見。

  11) After alcohol does not leave a hand more love freedom.

  12) 以后煙酒不離手 更熱愛自由。

  13) We are not wrong, but the wind blew away the promise.

  14) 我們都沒有錯、只是風吹散了承諾。

  15) After you walk as if there is any reason to squat down and cry

  16) 你走了之后好像任何事都有蹲下來大哭一場的理由。

  qq個性簽名 英文簡短三

  1) To tear up those memories, but can not escape your dream.

  2) 撕碎了那些回憶,卻逃不出有你的夢。

  3) Once the commitment can't get rid of a person only lonely.

  4) 曾經(jīng)的承諾 沒法擺脫 一個人過 只剩落寞。

  5) His lies were so nice that I moved one of my.

  6) 他的謊言很動聽,打動了我一個曾經(jīng)。

  7) Forgive I really can not handle this love ever cheated.

  8) 原諒我真的無法駕馭這曾經(jīng)被欺騙的愛情。

  9) Time is too noisy years if I incurable infestation.

  10) 時光太吵 歲月侵擾 我是否不可救藥。

  11) If you do not want to embrace, then learn to be strong.

  12) 如果沒有想要的擁抱,那就先學會堅強。

  13) You are not like a weed on my half good when it grows.

  14) 你未對我半分好 偏巧這感情瘋長似野草。

  15) Too much sadness nowhere to tell, too many sad how easy.

  16) 太多心酸無處訴說,太多難過如何灑脫。

  17) Used to be very good, think less, sleep early, but also like to laugh.

  18) 以前挺好的,想得少,睡得早,也喜歡笑。

  19) Don't let yourself full of grievances in the most beautiful age.

  20) 別在最美的年紀讓自己滿腹委屈。

  21) The story is you don't want to mention lightly or really forget.

  22) 故事輕描淡寫是你不愿提起還是真的忘記。

  23) Refused to listen to the words sound is also a kind of injury.

  24) 拒絕的話說得再好聽也是一種傷害。

  25) He lived like a gust of wind love hate to come and go in a hurry.

  26) 他活的像陣風愛恨來去都匆匆。

  27) You and I are far away from the kindness and love of the poor.

  28) 你和我之間的遙遠永遠隔著親切愛少的可憐。

  29) I am not beautiful but also clean although love to laugh, but not happy.

  30) 我不漂亮倒也干凈雖然愛笑但不快樂。

  31) Accompany you through the road do not forget that is the best time.

  32) 陪你走過的路不要忘那是最好的時光。

  33) I walked through the loneliness is very dark, you take what to experience.

  34) 我走過的孤獨很黑,你拿什么去體會。

  35) I still dare not mention you dare not think you I fear memories too crowded.

  36) 我還是不敢提你不敢想你 我怕回憶太過擁擠。

  37) It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.

  38) 快樂很簡單,但要做到簡單卻很難。

  39) You are such a person is to take the time to gamble and lose in a complete mess.

  40) 你等一個人就是拿時間去賭然后輸?shù)靡凰俊?/p>

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