


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  Some people are always in hurry to go placesand get things done. Other people prefer totake their time and live life at a slower pace.Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Life is short. Haste makes waste. What's yourhurry? These three sayings characterize the way Imanage my day to day chores. I don't want to rushthrough things; I prefer to take my time.

  Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow so it is important to enjoy today.Of course, some people will say that's why it is important to cram a lot into a day. But then,how would you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences. By doing a few thingsslowly and doing them well, you can savor the experience.

  Haste makes waste. We are not machines. We can't rush through things mechanically. If wedo, we might forget something; we might take shortcuts. By taking our time, we can do a chorecarefully, completely, and correctly.

  What's your hurry? Where's the fire? I don't see any need to rush to the next experience.There's still a lot to see and learn form the chores around you. Taking care of your babybrother for instance can be very rewarding. You could simply keep him near you while youwatch TV and write a letter and talk on the phone. Or you could devote your whole attention tohim and observe his reactions to his environment. You can observe carefully, If you aretrying to do four things at the same time.

  To twist a common saying, “Don't just do something, sit there!” Take life easy and savoreach minute. Life is shorter than you think.



  Some movies are serious designed to make theaudience think. Other movies are designedprimarily to amuse and entertain. Which type ofmovie do you prefer? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Movies have the power to make you laugh, cry,or think about an issue that you might nototherwise think about. Although I sometime watchmovies that are serious in nature, I prefer movies that amuse and entertain. When I see anamusing movie it makes me relax, laugh, and keeps me in good spirits.

  After a long day at school and work, I need a break and something to take my mind off ofthe troubles of the day. I can do that with an entertaining movie. When I watch an amusingmovie, I don’t have to think. I just want to sit back and relax. After a movie, I then feel ready toget back to work on my studies.

  Amusing movies make people laugh. Laughing is important for the soul. Laughing not onlymakes people feel good, but also connects people. When people laugh together, they becomefriends.

  After watching an entertaining movie, which relaxes me and makes me laugh, I feel good.When I feel good I can focus more on other important things like my studies and work. Being ingood spirits makes me feel better about myself and gives me a positive outlook on life.

  While I can appreciate serious movies that make you think, I prefer to be amused andentertained after a long day of work. Such movies allow me to take a break from the rigors oflife by making me laugh and putting me in a good mood.



  It is generally agreed that society benefits fromthe work of its members. Compare thecontributions of artists to society with thecontributions of scientists to society. Which typeof contribution do you think is valued more byyour society? Give specific reasons to supportyour answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Artists and scientists both make valuablecontributions to our society. It may seem sometimes that artists are more valued. That'sbecause those artists who are famous make a lot of money. However, they are relatively few.The fact is that scientists are more valued. They get more respect from society for the workthey do.

  Artists reflect their times and their culture. A painter or a writer shows us in pictures andwords what we're like as a people. They record our culture for future generations. Actors andother performers, like singers and dancers, entertain us. They take our minds off our troubles,and remind us how beautiful and exciting our imaginations can be. Artists also help keep theirsocieties mentally and emotionally healthy. For example, children that participate in the arts,such as painting or music, in school do better in their other studies. Art of all types is necessaryto the human spirit.

  The contributions scientists make to society are more obvious. They include the cars wedrive, the computers we use at home and at work, and the appliances that help us cook ourmeals and clean our houses. All of these come from the ideas and hard work of scientists.Because of scientific discoveries, we're living longer and more healthful lives. Scientists alsocontribute to the arts. Movies are the result of science. So are television, radio, and therecording of music on CDs.

  Generally, scientists don't make as much money as famous artists like film stars, operasingers or successful painters. However, our society gives them more respect, and theygenerally make a good living. Scientists are considered to be serious professionals, while artistsare sometimes viewed as flaky, irresponsible people. So overall, I'd have to conclude that wevalue scientists more.



  Some people like doing work by hand. Othersprefer using machines. Which do you prefer?Use specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Here's the problem. I'm sloppy. That's why I liketo use machines to do my work rather than dothings by hand. Machines can be creative, precise,and efficient.

  Most people think that you can only be creative if you do things by hand. However, it takescreativity to set the machine up. Once it's set up, it can repeat the same task over and overand over perfectly. If you want to write ten letters, you can set up your word processor to doit, press a button, and ten letters will be printed. It would take me forever by hand, and I wouldmake a lot of mistakes. By hand, each letter would be different. By machine, each one is perfect.

  Machines are very precise. They don't get tired and cut the wrong way. They don't getdistracted and drop some mustard on the paper. As I said, I'm sloppy, but like neatness.That's why I prefer to use machines.

  Machines are also more efficient. I'm too tired to pick up the phone and see who is callingme. My answering machine isn't tired. It's always on duty. It doesn't get tired, upset, ormoody.

  I can depend on my machines, but I can't always depend on my hand to be creative, precise,or efficient.










在考研英語(yǔ)考試期間,也會(huì)發(fā)生一些關(guān)于英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)的小趣事。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的考研英語(yǔ)作文正反話題,供大家參閱! 考研英語(yǔ)作文正反話題:快節(jié)奏還是慢節(jié)奏的生活 Topic(題目): Some people are always in hurry to go placesand get things done.


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