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  The Everlasting Existence---A.I

  Abstract:Human create the robot and make them to love,but they are also scared by the robots if they do something out of control.The human are selfish,so is their love while the love from robots is everlasting.

  Key words: robot ; human ;existence&love

  Commentary text:

  After seeing the movie A.I by Steven Spielberg and Kubrick.I am lost in the deep thinking, there are too many things contained in it and makes me moved. In the

  film,there is a very special artificial intelligent robot named David, just as the movie said, David is 11 years old. He weighs 60 pounds. He is 4 feet and 6 inches tall. He has brown hair, his love is real but he is not. This is a story about the process that David seek for the love from his mother,Monica. He experiences the abandonment and persecution and at last he successes, just like the ending of Pinocchio and Blue Fairy, he becomes a real boy, though it compared with other robots and he gains the love from his mother though it only last for one day.

  It is not a very long story but it makes us think a lot. Because of the climate change, there exist enormous problems and crisis. In order to reduce the burden then the low-cost robot has been came into use in a large scale. To meet the vanity of human, these robots own the same appearance as human, even the feelings and

  memories.To some degree, this shows the loneliness of human and the robot just like David who can love is the extremely showing of this.

  About David, he is very unique for he is the first robot child and he was made by very special reasons. When he is started by Monica, David would love Monica

  forever and only love her in the world. When he first comes into Monica’s home, his bright smile brings the happiness to this home. But when Martin, the real child of Monica comes back, all are ruined. For Monica, this is the perfect thing in the world but for David, the tragedies just begins.

  When Martin asks David when is your birthday or what is the first thing that you can remember, all the questions emphasized that David is not a real boy but just a robot. In order to win more love from Monica, David does many things, some are even crazy. However, all things have to stop in the birthday party of Martin. For

  protection, David seizes Martin but they fells into the swimming pool by accident. But all the people just remember Martin and leave David behind. And because of this accident,David was abandoned by Monica.But he only hates that he is not a real boy instead of blaming Monica. How selfish the love of human is,when they feel be threatened, they would always choose the best way for themselves instead of others. While the robot they would blame themselves for they are not good enough.

  David believes that if he could become a real boy then he could go back and own the love from Monica. Because of the fairy tale about the Blue Fairy and Pinocchio,he believes that if he could find the Blue Fairy then his dream could come true so he went on the adventures with Teddy.

  However, the journey is very dangerous. The first group of people that David has met are a group of broken robots who are out of fashion. They are finding the useful parts in the remains, David is shocked by this and later the hunters appear and seize them to the Flesh Fair.In this part, we can clearly feel the cruciality of human.They decide to destroy the old, out-of-date robots.They send the maches seems to be useless to them to the Flesh Fair, having fun destroying the robots. They are yelling at the fair that: “What about us?” “We are alive and this is a celebration of life. And this is commitment to a truly human future!” Human creates the robots and need them to serve for human. But they are afraid because their short lives while robots could own the endless time, the shortage of time makes human scared and jealously so they destroy the robots in a very cruel way. The selfish and coldness of human has been exaggerated dramatically. Even the robots would be freemasonry among them while human will not. They think they are the greatest creatures in the world and they are the controllers of the world, but just this group of people may never understand what the real love is!

  For David, there is no doubt that he is unique, he owns all the features of human children and someone has put love into him.That is the only why the crazy and cruel audience would protect him and this is also the only reason why David has experienced so many desperate things but he can still persist his dream. His existence is unique and meaningful.This belief is just like the human’s life that we would never

  ignore the meaningful existences of ourselves.

  But all the beliefs that David holds has been collapsed when they get to the Manhattan-the end of the world, at this place, he finds that he is not unique and there exists so many David. He realized that he is just a robot and his existence will never be admitted by the human.He was so desperate that he jumped into the water.He thought it was the end of his life but in the water, he saw the Blue Fairy in the ocean, he saw the hope again and they sink into the ocean before the Blue Fairy.David begs for the Blue Fairy again and again to make him a real boy.He can see her but she also never responds him,which has lasted for 2000 years.Everything has changed in the world and the human disappeared from the earth.David was found by the newly-robots and they know about the human world through the memories of David.To some degree, the dream of David has been achieved, because for the newly-robots,David is a real boy who belongs to the world before 2000 years.It is a great satire that the culture of human was inherited by a robot.

  The fate of the robot was destinate, the value of their existences are admitted by human, that is why their dream would be achieved by newly-robots instead of the human,for human will never appreciate the forever existence of the robot.The last scene of the movie is very touching,because of the hair of Monica that the Teddy has kept it makes the return of Monica becomes possible.Though it will just for one day, David thinks it is worthy of doing it.At that day,no Martin,no other people,they have a peaceful and perfect day.No matter how the time changes,the existence of love would never be changed.

  From the whole movie,we can feel the strong love from David and we should think about the fate of our human beings,what drives us to doom and the love or existences of us is so short that it can not be examined by the time.











看過電影人工智能后是否也想寫一篇影評,下面是學習啦小編為你整理的電影人工智能影評英文,供大家閱覽! 電影人工智能英文影評 The Everlasting Existence---A.I Abstract:Human create the robot and make them to love,but they are a