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  人工智能的出現(xiàn)的作文:Artificially Intelligent People and Things

  About what is "smart", many problems. This involves other such as consciousness, self, thinking, etc. People only know's intelligence is one's own intelligence, this is universal view. But we have on our own intelligence is very limited, understanding to constitute one of the essential elements of human intelligence is limited, so understanding is difficult to define what is "artificially" manufacturing "intelligent". Therefore artificial intelligence research often involves to the person's intelligence itself research. Other about animal or other man-made system of intelligent also widely considered artificial intelligence related research topic.

  Artificial intelligence is currently in the computer field, got increasingly extensive attention. And in the robot, economic and political decisions, control system, simulation system been applied. Famous Stanford university professor nelson artificial intelligence research center of artificial intelligence down such a definition: "artificial intelligence is the subject on knowledge and how to represent knowledge -- how to gain knowledge and use of knowledge science. Namely artificial intelligence is the study of human intelligence activity rule, the tectonic have certain intelligent artificially system, studies how to let the computer to complete ever need person's intelligence can handle work, also is about how the application of computer hardware and software to simulate some human intelligence behavior of the basic theory, methods and techniques.

  Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science, the 20th century 70's has been considered as one of the three world advanced technology (space technology, energy technology, artificial intelligence). Is also considered the 21st century (genetic engineering, nano science, artificial intelligence) one of three technologies. This is because nearly three years it has been developed rapidly, in many disciplines have extensively, and have made great achievements, artificial intelligence has gradually become an independent branch, both in theory and practice to a system already separated. Artificial intelligence is that computer to simulate people study some of

  the thinking process and intelligent behavior subject, mainly including computer intelligent principle, manufacturing is similar to the brain, the computer intelligent computer can achieve higher level of application.

  Artificial intelligence will involve computer science and psychology, philosophy and linguistics, and other disciplines. Can say is almost natural science and social science disciplines, the scope of all already far exceeded the computer science category, artificial intelligence and thinking science relationship is practical and theoretical relationship, artificial intelligence is in thinking scientific technology application level, is it an application of the branch. View from thinking, artificial intelligence is not limited to the logical thinking, want to consider the thinking in image, inspiration thinking can promote the development of artificial intelligence breakthrough, mathematics are often thought of as the study of basic science, mathematics into language, thought field, artificial intelligence discipline must also borrow mathematical tool, mathematics not only in standard logic, fuzzy mathematics role, mathematics into the scope of subject of artificial intelligence, they will promote each other and faster development.

  Alan Turing is 20 century one of the greatest mathematicians, the first time he refused to imagine "thinking machine" and then the computer, put the abstractions of mathematics, the

  practical application of human development has an immense impact on the process, known as "the father of artificial intelligence. The more remarkably, he led the British intelligence group in the world war ii managed to break the Nazi Germany's password, accelerate the third Reich perish. However, the Turing premature death in England but the persecution of homosexuals.

  Turing was born in London, in both the parents of India. Not only is he a gay, and grow into an atheist.In 1934 Turing excellent grades for a master's degree, and were rated excellent

  graduated from Princeton university graduate, to enter the United States to continue their study, then get a doctorate in field mathematical logic.

  World war ii Turing lead a group of intelligence technology personnel developed later

  became computer predecessor Chloe Gunnar solskjaer machine, it can quickly and effectively cracked the code to intercept timely information and let the Allies that the German army mobile and estimation, to avoid the casualties, Turing therefore are also called the "secret hero" behind.

  Post-war Turing in 1952, write to the classical article "intelligent machine", puts forward the computer can imitate human thinking argument. The idea of Turing was attracted a great deal of

  controversy, but today's invention from a fool the camera to computer beat world chess champion examples can see, this idea was already fully ahead of the front, so Turing was known as "the father of artificial intelligence.

  The early 50s McCarthyism up in America, and spread to the UK. Gay and the communists were considered threat of western social system at two big hazard, Britain also began to gay cleaning and militiamen. Turing engaged in intelligence work experience and him being gay

  identity made him the related department to become "the eyes do not trust" and "dangerous". He is engaged in research of each channel are kept artificially plugging killed, even for his colleagues and superiors provides various form of protection also of no help. In 1954 June 7 night, stressed Turing in their dwellings taking the apple never took cyanide, was only 42 suicide.






