1. 有什么可以幫到您的?
What can I do for you?
2. 今天真冷(真熱)!現(xiàn)在你們國家也有這么冷(熱)嗎?
It is cold (hot) today! Is it cold (hot) in your country, too?
1. 老師,您站某某老師,來這么早啊,不好意思,我忘了帶工作卡了,請問可以借您的工作刷一下開一下門嗎?
Good morning/Excuse me, I forgot my job card. May I borrow yours to open the door?
2. 老師,請問您有帶工作卡嗎?我忘帶了,也不知道密碼,恐怕要等人來了才能進去了!
Hi, is your job card with you? I forgot mine, and don't know the password. I am afraid we have to wait until other collogues come back.
3. 有些晚了,其他同事都已經(jīng)回家了,某某老師我們要鎖門,您也早點回家了吧!
It is so late. Other collogues had gone home. I need to close the door.
4. 門禁鎖了,外教不知道怎么出去時,我們需要跟他們說:“您要先按開關(guān),再開門。”
The door is locked. You need to press the button/switch first, and the door will open.
1. 老師,您站這邊,可以跟學生一起照張相嗎?
Do you mind taking photos with the students?
2. 老師,請笑一個,這會讓您更上鏡!
Smile. And you look good.
3. 老師,可以靠近一點嗎?
Could you stay closer?
1. 這個單詞怎么讀啊?
How do you pronounce this word?
2. 請問需要復印幾份文件?請問需要復印單面的,還是雙面的?
How many sets do you need? One side or two sides?
3. 這個復印機卡紙了,暫時復印不了,不好意思,恐怕您要叫您的助教到樓下去復印了?;蛘哒埬缘纫幌拢铱纯茨懿荒?a href='http://www.zbfsgm.com/live/xiuli/' target='_blank'>修理一下(或者說:這個需要找專業(yè)人士來修理),行了我再叫你吧!”
The photocopier is not working properly. You may have to copy downstair.
Or you can wait a second; let me see if I can fix it.
I will have someone fixed it. I will tell you when it is ok.
4. 復印件可以運作了,您可以復印了,需要我?guī)兔?
The photocopier is working now. You can print your stuff. Do you need help?
5. 外教拿著比較大的書本(大于A4)的時候會問:“這個我想縮小復印成A4的,這個機器怎么操作呢?”
I want to shrink this to an A4 size. What should I do?
6. 怎么跟外教說復印件的操作:打開開關(guān),放需要掃描的資料上去(然后按掃描,最后按復印,如果需要復印多份,就按多少份數(shù),再按掃描復印。
Let me show you how to use the photocopier. Turn it on first, put your stuff on the screen, then press the scan button, enter the number you want to print out, and press the start button. And you will have what you need.
1. 今天中午吃什么飯呢?
What would you like for lunch?
2. 我的飯熱好了,您可以熱了。
My lunch is ready, and you can use the microwave.
3. 請問您的飯熱好了沒?
Is your lunch ready?
4. 在茶水間碰到倒水時說:今天天氣真冷,該喝點熱水暖暖身子。
It is so cold today, and you should take some hot water to keep you warm.
5. 看到教沖咖啡時:你平常喝咖啡嗎?我聞到咖啡的香濃味就會很精神振奮了!
Do you often drink coffee? I feel excited when I smell coffee.
1. 請幫我開某個教室的門?(外教這樣說)
Could you please open Big 1 \ Big 2 \ IT room?
2. 碰到外教隨便抓一個人問我要開哪個門教室時,我回答:“請稍等一下,我去拿鑰匙為您開門。”
Please wait a second. I am going to get the key.
3. 你是第幾節(jié)課,請問上什么課啊?
When do you have classes? What is it?
4. 您好,我們可以進來聽一下您的課嗎,學習一下
Hi, may I sit in your class to study?
5. 外教遇到屏幕或電腦投影儀問題可能會問:“電腦不行?為什么投影儀顯示不了?為什么投影儀開了,屏幕沒有反應的?”
Is this computer working? Why is the projector not working? We turned the projector on, but why there is nothing on the screen。
6. 外教上課需要用到電腦會問:我需要用電腦上課,要去哪里拿呢?”
I need a computer. Where can I get it?
7. 我們回答:“負責電腦管理的Richard還沒有回來,等會他回來,您去向他要吧。”或者“您現(xiàn)在急用嗎,我可以幫您拿出來,等會我會告訴Richard的,用完后請歸還給Richard,謝謝!”
Richard is in charge of the computer, but he has not been back yet. You may ask him.
Do you need it right now? I can give it to you, but you need to return it to Richard.
7. 夏天時外教會問:空調(diào)遙控器在哪里呢?
Where is the remote control for the air-conditioner?
8. 外教遇到指紋機打不了時問:“我打不了指紋,請問我該怎么辦?”
You may say: clean your finger or the screen on the fingerprint machine.
9. 我們會回答:“我?guī)フ襆ily說一聲。”
You can tell Lily.
10. 看到外教感冒了,我們也要問候一下:“感冒了?要多喝水,必要時要補充維C或吃藥看醫(yī)生,還要多休息啊!”
Did you catch a cold? You need to drink more water, and sometimes vitamin C may help.
You may need to see a doctor.
Have a good rest.
11. 夏天看到外教滿天大汗時,我們碰上了會說:“今天天氣很熱吧,但不要把空調(diào)開到太大了,很容易感冒的。”
It is hot today. But you may catch a cold if you turn the air conditioner down too much.