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  簡單英語口語會話:the Wheather

  A: I went shopping without my umbrella yesterday morning.

  B: Yesterday morning was beautiful,

  I thought the sunny spell was going to continue.

  A: So did I. That's why I didn't take my umbrella.

  I got cold in the rain in the afternoon. It was raining cats and dogs.

  B: I know. I could not believe it when we got hit by that storm.

  It was pouring with rain all afternoon.

  A: We really have some miserable weather sometimes.

  I wish I would live somewhere which were sunny all year round.

  B: If it was sunny all year round there would be a drought.

  You probably wouldn’t like it either.

  A: I guess you are right.

  Maybe I just wish that the weather was a little more predictable.

  B: The weather forecasters are not very good at predicting what the weather

  will be like.Our weather is so changeable.


  A: What's the weather like in your city?

  B: In the summer it gets very hot. The temperture is often between 35 and 40 centigrade. When it is hot we often get rain. The winters are drier.

  A: The summer tempretures ususally reach about 20 or 25 centigrade in my city.

  The rain falls mostly in the winter. And we often get snow.

  B: What are the temperatures like in winter?

  In my city they are about 15 or 20 degrees.

  A: In winter tempertures often fall to zero, at night tempertures can be below that.

  The streets are often icing in the mornings.With such high summer tempertures you must get some thunderstorms.

  B: Yes, we do. In the middle of summer there can be thunderstorms every day ususally in the afternoon. I heard that your city has a lot of fog, is that true?

  A: We do have a few foggy days each winter. But I would not say we have a lot of fog. The skys are usually clear over your city, aren’t they?

  B: Yes, they are. Like I said we have thunderstorms.But each one usually only last a few hours. Then the skys are clear again.

  A: Have you ever had snow in your city?

  B: My grandmother said that there was snow once when she was a child.

  But my parents and I have only seen it outside our city.

  A: The river in my city sometime freezes over. So people go ice-skating on it.

  In summer people go boating on the river. But few people go swimming because it is not very clean.

  B: As you know, my city is on the coast. The water is also not very clean, but people still go swimming in it all year around. I perfer to sand bath on the beach when the weather is hot and sunny.


  A; is the environment a big issues in your country? It is in mine.

  B: it is in mine too. The biggest issue is water. The climate is dry and so water conservation is very important.

  A: what methods do you use to conserve water?

  B: water is rationed. We can only use a certain amount each month. It means that we cannot use some modern household items, like washing machines. They use too much water.

  A: I see. I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.

  B: yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country. Of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry.

  A: we have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced.

  B: the problem is now on a truly global scale. I don’t believe that any single country can do anything about it.

  A: I think you’re right. There needs to be an international response to this problem.


  A: there are so many environment problems in the world today. Do you think we can really solve them all or will destroy the world?

  B; I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan for action, but I doubt it’ll happen before it’s too late.

  A; we need to solve the problem of air pollution before we destroy the atmosphere. There’s lots of clean, modern technology, but companies in developed countries say it’s expensive. Developing countries put more emphasis on economic development than on environment protection.

  B: everyone is looking at the issue in the short term, rather than the long term. It’s the same with the destruction of the rainforests. Countries and companies just want the wood. They’re not thinking about the long-term damage to the forests. We should also remember that the forests are an important natural habitat for thousands of species of animal and plant life.

  A; in other parts of the world, especially in Africa, there is a problem with desertification. Climate change and over-farming are causing farmland to turn into desert. In means that people cannot grow enough food.

  B: it also means that people sometimes fight over the farmland that remains. Damaging the environment actually leads to conflict between people.

  A: have you ever thought about joining an organization committed to protecting the environment? You could get involved with projects to improve the environment.

  B: I think I’d like to do that. I could take the things I learn here back to my country when I have finished my studies.

  簡單英語口語會話:the seasons

  A: what do you do in summer?

  B: I love going out into the countryside for walks or bike ride. I love being out in the fresh summer air. How about you?

  A: I don’t often go for walks, but I either play sports outside-you know, tennis or badminton-or just sit in the sunshine and read a good book.

  B; what do you do in winter?

  A; well, I play sports indoors quite often. If I’m feeling lazy, I just watch a film at home. I prefer summer to winter.

  B; I think most people do. I like wearing nice, colorful clothes in summer-you know, a nice dress or skirt. It’s too cold for those kinds of clothes in winter.

  A; yes. I like wearing shorts in summer. My legs would freeze!

  B: do you think we’ll have a nice summer this year?

  A; thanks to global warming, it could be hotter than ever!


  A: what are the seasons like in your city?

  B: summers is hot and usually lasts a long time. Winters are short, but cold, wet, and windy. I love the summers in my city, but I hate the wintertime.

  A: does it ever rain in summer?

  B: we usually get a big thunderstorm every two weeks, but apart from that, summers are dry. Thunderstorms make the air fresh again, so most people don’t mind then.

  A: what are spring and autumn like?

  B; I like spring because flowers bloom and trees grow leaves again. In spring, the weather is very changeable-sometimes cold, sometimes warm. It’s usually windy with some rain. Autumn is usually sunny and dry, but it’s gradually gets colder as winter arrives. What are the seasons like in you city?

  A; well, I live in the southern hemisphere, so our summertime is your wintertime, and vice versa. We get some rain in every season, but most is in winter. In winter, it sometimes gets cold, but our winters are usually quite mild. Summers are warm, but not hot. Spring and autumn are both very short-sometimes just a few weeks each. The weather is very changeable then-just like spring in your city.

  B; do you usually go on a summer holiday?

  A; no, I don’t. I go on a winter holiday instead. I go somewhere warm.

  B: I usually go on holiday during the spring or the autumn. I try to go somewhere where the weather is more reliable than in my city.
