初中英語(yǔ)兩人對(duì)話:Leaving a Message
Frank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?
Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。
Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the International Business Center。
Jane:When do you expect him back?
Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。
Jane:Yes, thank you. When he gets back, please let him know that Jane called and I need him to call me back。
Frank:Does he have your number?
Jane:Yes, he does. But I’ll give it to you again, 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6.
Frank:That was 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6, right?
Jane:Yes. Thank you very much。
Frank:You’re welcome。
初中英語(yǔ)兩人對(duì)話:Dialing a Wrong Number
Jane:Is Patti there?
Frank:I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number. There is no Patti here。
Jane:Wrong number? Are you sure? I called yesterday and she was there。
Frank:I’m sure you have the wrong number. This one has been my number for more than 20 years。
Jane:That’s impossible. I remember the number clearly. Isn’t this 763-4565?
Frank:No, it isn’t. It’s 736-4565. It seems you’ve misdialed。
Jane:Really? I’m so sorry I bothered you. I’ll try again。
Frank:That’s all right. This sort of thing happens all the time to everyone。
Jane:Yeah, I guess it does. Sorry again for bothering you。
Frank:No worries。
初中英語(yǔ)兩人對(duì)話:Hanging up
Ann:Hello, three-five.。。
Sam:Is that Ann?
Ann:I’m sorry. I’m very tired. I’m going to bed early. I didn’t have a good time and I don’t really want to see you again。
Sam:What are you talking about? We had a great time. We laughed and talked all night last time。
Ann:It was hardly all night. And I recall it was you doing all the laughing at your own jokes。
Sam:That’s not fair. We had fun. Give me a second chance. Can we meet tomorrow night for drinks at the pub?
Ann:No, I’m sorry. I’m going to meet some friends tomorrow evening. And I’m too tired now. I have to go to sleep. Goodbye。
Sam:But Ann.。。
初中英語(yǔ)兩人對(duì)話:Telephone Connection Difficulties
Doris:You’re late。
Leo:I’m sorry. It was too cold and my car couldn’t start. I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater. I tried to call you, but couldn’t get a connection。
Doris:Couldn’t get a connection?
Leo:Yes. Your number is out of service。
Doris:Really? I didn’t know. Let me check. You’re right。
Leo:So I couldn’t get through。
Doris:It’s a serious problem. I’m expecting an important call. The theater guild is supposed to call me this evening and discuss my play. What will happen if they can’t reach me?
Leo:Well, the only thing you can do is pay the fee to recover your service。
初中英語(yǔ)兩人對(duì)話:Watching TV
Blair:How are you feeling, Flora?
Flora:Much better. Thanks. I’ve been resting all day, only with the television as my companion. In fact, in the whole week, the only thing I felt like doing was watching TV。
Blair:What did you watch today?
Flora:I started with some game shows this morning. I really enjoy them and even answered most of the questions correctly。
Blair:And next?
Flora:At 2 o’clock, I switched to Channel 6, and watched a terrific movie without commercials。
Blair:I know what you mean. There was an old action movie next. I think you won’t like it。
Flora:I wanted to watch it, but I was already tired by the time it came on. I had a rest instead. Then I watched the news on Channel 11.
Blair:Anything important happened?
Flora:A bank was robbed this afternoon. A reporter on the scene covered the event. The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the life。
初中英語(yǔ)兩人對(duì)話:Going to the Movies
Andrew:Wow, so many students are crowding in —more than I expected. We’re lucky to arrive an hour earlier. Or else we would definitely have problems getting good seats。
Heather:I learned my lesson from the last experience. I didn’t arrive early enough, so I ended up with a terrible seat —all the way up in the front row! It was one of my worst movie experiences ever。
Andrew:Yeah. I hate sitting in the front row。
Heather:By the way, it was really thoughtful of you to get me the ticket. I really appreciate it. I’ll buy some popcorn and a drink for us。
Andrew:That would be great!
Heather:You hold my place, and I’ll be back as soon as possible. Oh, I almost forgot. I’d better hold on to my ticket stub in case they won’t let me in。