Duck meat
鹽鹵鴨肉 marinated duck meat
鴨肉制品 duck meat products
鴨肉保鮮 Duck meat preservation
鴨肉香腸 duck sausage
鴨肉干 dried duck meat
1. Drizzle the remaining dressing over the duck and salad.
2. I had some fish, beef, duck, jiaozi and a dish of sweet soup.
我吃了些魚(yú) 、 牛肉 、 鴨肉 、 餃子,也喝了一盤(pán)甜湯.
3. The virus has been detected in processed poultry ( frozen duck meat ).
在處理過(guò)的家禽產(chǎn)品 ( 凍鴨肉 ) 內(nèi)檢測(cè)到過(guò)該病毒.
4. Press the duck breast to check how it is cooking.
5. Once cooked, remove from the pan and allow the duck to rest.
煎好后, 將鴨肉移出鍋,靜置.
6. Duck in the ammonia extract more than meat, the delicious duck.
鴨肉中含氨浸出物比畜肉多, 所以鴨肉味美.
7. He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty.
8. Which one do you like to eat, chicken or duck?
9. Food: An excellent accompaniment to duck veal lamb and all red meats.
食物搭配: 與鴨肉,小牛肉,小羊肉,以及所有的紅肉相搭配,風(fēng)味更佳.
10. We mainly export frozen cooked chicken and duck products and Hongkong, etc.
11. This duck is not quite to my taste.
12. Continue to turn the duck over whilst cooking.
13. Try some of this duck.
14. We had duck for dinner.
15. My favorite is the taro stem and duck.
James Sommerin's duck breast recipe combines thediverse flavours of sweet potato, beetroot andlavender to create a spectacular duck dish which isboth surprising and masterful.
Combine the Szechuan pepper, coriander, cumin andfennel in a dry pan on a medium heat and toast for5 minutes. Place the spices into a mortar andpestle and roughly crush. Combine with thelavender and mix well. Set aside until required.
Preheat the oven to 190?C. Cover the beetroot with foil and place in the oven until tender,approximately 30-45min. Allow to cool, the peel with a small knife while still slightly warm.Cut into large cubes. Dice the sweet potato and lightly season with salt and coat with olive oil.Place on a baking tray and into the oven, cook until tender, approximately 40 minutes. Thisshould be done while the beetroot are roasting.
For the duck, place a large pan on a medium to high heat and season the breasts evenly withsalt. Place each breast skin side down into the dry pan and slowly render down the fat. As thefat is released from the breast be sure to remove any excess from the pan by tilting it towardsyou and taking out with a spoon. Cook for 6 minutes and then turn and continue to cook for afurther 4 minutes. Finish in the oven for 2 minutes at 220?C/gas mark 6. Remove from theoven and allow to rest for 5-7 minutes.
When the duck has finished resting, place the breasts flesh side down into the spice mix. Heata second pan over a medium to high heat. Add the butter and once it begins to foam add theroast beetroot and sweet potato. As soon as the vegetables are heated through, season withsalt and remove the pan from the heat. Once the duck has finished resting, return to the pan,flesh side down to sear the spices. After 1 minute, add the maple syrup and coat the duck untilit reduces down to a sticky glaze. Remove from the pan, slice and serve on a bed of the roastroot vegetables.