Gina:Merry Christmas, Bill!
Bill:Merry Christmas, Gina!
Gina:What are you doing there on the computer?
Bill:Come have a look. I received many beautiful e-cards. They’re from my friends all over the world. Christmas wishes for all my friends!
Gina:That’s pretty interesting. Did you get one from Helen? The reason I ask is that I’m looking for her number。
Bill:Sorry, I don’t have it. But I do have her e-mail. Do you want me to send it to you?
Gina:Yeah, that would be great. Thanks。
Bill:No worries. I’ll just forward her card and you can get it from the e-mail. I would really like to talk to her again. I kind of miss her a little these days。
Gina:Thanks a million。
Bill:My pleasure。
Man: Well, Christmas is almost here. So, what do you want from Santa this year?
Micky: A toy car and walkie-talkies.
Man: Really? Well, and what about you, Emily? What do you want for Christmas?
Emily: If I can't have a Barbie radio, um, I would have some fragile dolls. And if I can't have some fragile dolls, it doesn't really matter what I get.
Man: Wow. Well, I'm excited, and Santa is coming. And how is Santa going to get inside the house, Micky?
Micky: Um, go down the chimney . . .
Man: Okay, so he's going to go down the chimney, and should we prepare anything for Santa?
Micky: Yeah!
Man: What are we going to prepare for him, Emily?
Emily: Um. We could prepare some cookies for him and some hot chocolate, and, um, we could give Rudolph some, um, hot chocolate in a bowl and a cookie. And we could give some of thereindeer some cookies and some hot chocolate in a bowl.
Man: Well, what do you think? They, Um, reindeer probably don't eat cookies, but what else could we give them, Micky?
Micky: Um, apples.
Man: Ah, that's good. And, uh . . .
Emily: Oranges and bananas.
Man: Okay and what time do you think we should go to bed?
Emily: Um, seven.
sidney and esther are planning a christmas lunch for 12 people.
esther: we'll need a big bird. i'd better order it this week.
sidney: i just hope it fits in the oven this year. do you remember...?
esther: don't remind me! will you do the stuffing?
sidney: of course. that's my specialty.
esther: and i need you to serve the drink, too.
sidney: ah, yes. we need some booze. what will people be drinking?
esther: everything. and don't forget the port for uncle maurice.