


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  The Questionnaire on Employment condition of College Students

  Hello, we are local employment guidance institution. In order to know better about the condition of college students’ employment, we organize this investigation to understand the view of college students on employment and employment guidance institution. The results will not open to the public and do a great favor for us, please deal with the questionnaire honestly and seriously. Apart from some special requirements according to the question, the following questions are single selection. Please mark with “√” under the letter precede your answer. Please consultant our present workers if you have any problem about our questionnaire, sand hand in to the workers after you finish it.

  Gender___ Grade___ Major ___

  1.What is your view of present job- hunting situation?

  A. hard B normal C easy

  2. Which elements do you think lead to the hard situation? (If you choose B or C, please omit this one)

  A financial crisis B. excessive graduates C. be short of professional knowledge and technical ability D. lack of practice experience

  E. lack of job-seeking tactic F. others___

  3. Do you have the clear occupation plan?

  A Yes B No

  4. If you have the plan, which aspects involved in your plan below?

  If don’t, which direction you would like to mark out?

  A. Self-appraisal B situation commentary

  C fixed occupation position D. the tactic of implement

  E personal quality like confidence, perseverance F others___

  5. Which price could you accept based on the consummate occupation plan offered by special institution?

  A. 200-500 RMB B.500-800 RMB C.800-1000 RMB

  D.1000-15OO RMB E.1500-2000 RMB F .more then 2000

  6. When is the suitable time to accept the employment guidance?

  A. freshman B. sophomore C. junior D. senior

  7. Which vocation would you most like to participate in after graduate?

  A. Education B.IT and Telecommunication

  C. Finance security and insurance D. Fast consumer trade

  E. Government mechanism F. Press G. Others__

  8. Why you choose to enter this vocation?

  A. Good promotion Prospect B. high income C.fit the major

  D. more opportunity to start a business E. stability of the work F. others__

  9. Which are the perplexed elements during the process of seeking a job?

  A. the school’s job guidance is not enough

  B. shortage of business’ recruitment information

  C. lack of job-seeking tactic D inadequate ability E Certificates F. be short of professional knowledge and skills G. lack of practice experience H. recruitment procedure and requirements I. the reputation of school J. others ___

  10. Which aspect do you think you need to improve most?

  A. Capability to solve problems

  B. capability to face pressure and conquer difficulties

  C. Practice experience D. Professiona

  11. Where is your ideal working place?

  l knowledge and skills

  E. personal image F. others__

  A. Beijing the capital B. shanghai Shenzhen or other prosperous cities

  C. Zhengzhou, Xi’an or other cities in the middle of china

  D. Xizang, Yinchuan or other cities in the west of china

  E. hometown F. others ___

  12. Why you choose the upper place?

  A. high income B. Good promotion Prospect

  C. better condition for qualified personnel D. more opportunity to start a business E. contribute to hometown F. others___

  13. Which is your preferred salary standerd?

  A.800-1000RMB B. 1001-2000RMB

  C.2001-3000RMB D. More than 3000RMB

  14. What’s your standard according to the salary?

  A. the human resource market B. self-appraisal C. the condition of the business

  D. suggestions from teachers, parent or friends E. others___

  15. Which kind of method do you prefer in job-hunting guidance?

  A. face to face, one to one B. small training class within 10 people

  C. middle training class within 20 people D. large class more than 50 people

  16. Why you choose the upper option?

  A. standard of the fees B. customize service

  C. it is convenient for discussion and learn from others

  D. enlarge social relationships E. others ___

  17. From the direction of job-hunting for graduates which kinds of information do you most want to obtain

  A. interview skills B. the employer’s information

  C. psychological consultancy for job-hunting D. consultancy of career planning E. direction of major F. professional image and behavior G. others ___

  18. Which price could you accept in the direction of job-hunting?

  A.10-15RMB/per hour B.15-20RMB/ per hour

  C. 20-30RMB/ per hour D.30-40RMB/ per hour

  E. more than 40RMB per hour

  19. Which two kinds of channel do you expect most to obtain the recruitment information?

  A. students’ employment direction center B. employment website

  C. recruitment conference in the campus D. recruitment conference in the society E. media F. teachers, parents or friend G. others ___

  20. What’s the financial budget do you expect in job-hunting?

  A.below500RMB B.500-800RMB C.800-1000RMB

  D.1000-1500RMB E.1500-2000RMB F. more than 2000RMB

  21. Which is the first factor you considerate before job-hunting?

  A. The income B. promotion prospect C. utilize the major knowledge

  D. the environment to start a business E. stability of the job F others___

  22. What’s your monthly cost standard?

  A. less than 400RMB B.400—600RMB

  C.600—800RMB D. more than 800RMB

  Thanks for your sincerely participation!


  To assist in increasing charitable donations from companies, by taking a few minutes to complete this short survey, you will help the charity to receive more charitable giving. Your information will be greatly valued and of course will be strictly confidential. Please reply this questionnaire before 5th, May and contact with Bulanker of Marketing department.

  To indicate your answer please CIRCLE the number alongside the answer that comes closest to your opinion or write your answer in the space provided.

  Q1. Do you have an awareness of charities?

  1. Yes, very

  2. Yes, only a few of them

  3. No

  4. Not at all

  Q2. Have you conducted any personal charitable giving before?

  1. Yes, more than 3 times

  2. Yes, 1-3 times

  3. No, never

  Q3. Do you think who should be the main source for the charitable giving?

  1. Individual

  2. Government

  3. Corporation

  4. Else

  Q4. Do you know that our company has a corporate social responsibility policy?

  1. Yes Go to Q5

  2. No Go to Q6

  Q5. Do you know there are any terms about charity group or charitable donation in this policy?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  Q6. Do you think the social responsibility is necessary?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  Q6. Does your company have a special department to manage and deal with the affairs about charitable donation?

  1. Yes Go to Q8

  2. No Go to Q7 3. I don’t know Go to Q7

  Q7. Do you think it is necessary to set up a special department to deal with the things about donation?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  Q8. In your opinion, what is the main motivation for our company to make the charity-related policy?

  1. Making our company be more popular

  2. Bearing the required social responsibility

  3. Lightening the pressure from society and media

  4. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ___________________________________

  Q9. Do you think whether our company should donate to charities?

  1. Yes Go to Q10

  2. No Go to Q12

  Q10. How frequently do you think the company should donate?

  1. Average 1 time a year

  2. Average 1 – 3 times a year

  3. More than 3 times a year

  Q10. Do you think that the current charity-related policy of our company is perfect? (Please indicate how much the current charity-related policy of our company is perfect on a scale of 1 to 5 with “1” meaning “not at all” and “5”meaning “very perfect”)

  Not at all ----------------------------------------------------------- Very perfect 1 2 3 4 5

  Q11. Do you think that our company should establish a plan of institutional and fixed charitable donation?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  Q12. Do you think that corporate donation will have any affection on our company?

  1. Yes, absolutely Go to Q9

  2. Yes, but a little Go to Q9

  3. No Go to Q10

  4. Not at all Go to Q10

  Q13. What is the most important affection on company?

  1. Improving the corporate image

  2. Advancing the relation between our company and the society

  3. Extending the market space

  4. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ________________________________________

  Q14. Do you think the company can reach the expected motivation?

  1. Yes, sure

  2. Yes, only a little

  3. No

  Q15. Do you think that corporate donation will have any affection on you?

  1. Yes Go to Q16

  2. No Go to Q17

  Q16. What is the main affection on you?

  1. Being proud of the corporate donation

  2. Making myself pay more attention to the charities

  3. Leading myself to have a charitable giving

  4. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ___________________________________

  Q17. What is the major factor that may affect our behavior of charitable giving?

  1. To return the society and help the others

  2. To decrease the level of taxation

  3. To color the corporate image

  4. To relax the pressure from the media and society

  5. To follow the other companies

  6. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ________________________________ Q18. What is the major factor that may affect the level of our charitable giving?

  1. Sale

  2. Benefit

  3. Expected effect

  Q19. Which field should our company donate to?

  1. Education

  2. Deformity

  3. Sport

  4. Disaster

  5. Social welfare

  6. Else

  Q20. Should our company donate to the special charities directly or the corresponding agencies indirectly like Chinese red Cross?

  1. Directly Go to Q16

  2. Indirectly Go to Q17

  3. Both Go to Q16

  Q21. If you have a clear awareness of charities, do you think which kind of charities should our company donate to?

  1. Having a strong background of government

  2. Using the donation efficiently, openly and rationally

  3. Having some special relations with our company

  4. No special limits

  Q22. In your opinion, which is the optimal form for the charitable donation?

  1. Cash

  2. Products

  3. Concrete matter

  4. Else

  Q23. Why should we adopt the above form of donation?


  Would you please give us some information about yourself for overall statistical purposes only? Your answers will be strictly confidential and will be of considerable help to us.

  Q24. How long have you worked in this company?

  1. Less than 1 year

  2. 1 – 3 years

  3. More than 3 years

  Q25. Are you a director or an ordinary staff?

  1. Director

  2. Staff

  Q26. Which department are you from?

  1. Public policy department

  2. Marketing department

  3. Financial department

  4. Public relationship department

  5. Human resource department

  6. Research & Development department

  7. Else

  Thank You for Your Time and Valuable Feedback!

  Explanation of the questionnaire:

  At first, I will give some notes about the above questionnaire. Why we choose these questions? In general, this questionnaire includes five topics. The first one is about the audiences' awareness of charities, which includes the questions of Q1 to Q3. The second one researches their attitudes toward the social responsibility policy or charity-related policy, which brings the questions of Q4 to Q8. The third one investigates their attitudes toward corporate charitable giving, which gives the questions of Q9 to Q11. The forth one searches the impact of charitable giving on company and employees, which offers the questions of Q12 to Q16. The last one seeks for the views of employees on corporate charitable giving, which shows the question

  s of Q17 to Q23. In order to avoid misleading the audiences, the practical questionnaire does not have such obvious division. Besides, the personal information about the audiences (Q24-Q26) is also very necessary for this self-completion questionnaire.

  Second, the first question “do you have an awareness of charities” is a warm up question in that everyone has his or her own idea of charities and can answer it easily. At the same time, this question will help the respondents enter into the topic of charities quickly.

  Third, this questionnaire contains some routings in that the respondents conclude varied types of employees such as directors and staff from different departments. Therefore, these routings can filter respondents clearly and ensure that they are not discouraged to answer the unanswerable questions.

  In addition, this questionnaire includes closed questions, open-ended questions and scales questions. The closed questions, with predetermined answers, are very helpful and convenient for our research, and they become the major of this questionnaire. Besides, the open-ended questions such as “Why should we adopt the above form of donation”. The respondents will be free to reply to these questions in their own words rather than being limited to choosing from a set of alternatives. Because it is difficult and expensive for researcher to analyze these open-ended questions, this questionnaire only has few open-ended questions. Besides, some closed questions in this questionnaire also allowing respondents to answer in their own words if there is no enough pre-judging of response. Take the question of Q8 for example. There is a choice of “else” and a notice of “PLEASE SPECIFY”, which allows the respondents to write down their own answers that haven’t been presented by the designer. At last, the scales questions are also very necessary for determining how the respondents feel, such as the question of Q10.Throuth these questions, we can know the detailed feeling of the respondents for some special questions.

  Besides, this is a self-completion questionnaire, which needs the respondents to finish it by themselves. Choosing this type of questionnaire, I only want to have the respondents finish their questionnaires independently and ac

  curately without any disturbance from researcher or someone else. Besides, in order to ensure the questionnaire can be withdrawn in time, I firstly left my contact details and a concrete deadline in the questionnaire. Finally, I presented three questions to acquire the personal details about the respondents such as their positions and departments, which will help me classify the respondents and their withdrawn questionnaires.

  At last, I will present some information about the sample of this questionnaire. All the audiences come from our company and include both the directors and staff. Therefore, all the questionnaires are distributed respectively to every employees of our company including the directors of every department and all the staff of our company in the 30th April, and withdrew in the 8th May.






