sorry to disturb you for more details
you can contact me as following cell phone 010-xxxxxx
i am looking farward to your next email thanks
xxxx dear xxx
this is *** from *** co., ltd. of china writting to you, hope this mail finds
you in your best time. our ****** (產品名)is specially designed for the people whom with little or
no art experience can still create their own materpieces themself! (一句話概括新
products features(簡要列出產品特點): * brand new and creative concept for diy crafts; * easy to handle, amazing decor effects & exciting user experience; * great gifts for christmas, birthday and valentines day, anniversaries„„ * multi-propose available: scratchboard art could also be used as a clock and
photo frame...„
* affordable high quality and museum class scratchboard , no toxic and
environmentally friendly; once again i thank you for taking the time to consider our new product and i look
forward to hearing from you soon. dear sir/madam i look forward to hearing from you soon.篇二:英文推薦信 首頁 > 個人簡歷 > 簡歷資料 > 推薦信 > 正文 英文推薦信
to whom it may concern: miss zhang began attending my english classes in the department of international
trade university in 1992 and graduated in spring of 1996. though it has been over
eight years since i last saw her, the deep impression she made on me has not faded
in the least. she is very intelligent, honest, creative, articulate, adaptive person.
her high academic achievement speaks for itself: she consistently scored in the top
5% in class.
tim wu
sorry to disturb you
i come from xx trade company
my company mainly operates on stationery and furntiture and techinical product and so on
for more details
you can contact me as following cell phone
i am looking farward to your next email
Dear xxx
This is *** from *** Co., Ltd. of China writting to you, hope this mail finds you in your best time.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about our new product recommendation. We believe our ****** (產品名)can provide excellent benefits to your company.
Our ****** (產品名)is specially designed for the people whom with little or no art experience can still create their own materpieces themself! (一句話概括新產品是什么)
Products Features(簡要列出產品特點):
* Brand New and creative concept for DIY crafts;
* Easy to handle, Amazing decor effects & exciting user experience;
* Great gifts for Christmas, birthday and Valentine's Day, Anniversaries……
* Multi-propose available: Scratchboard art could also be used as a clock and photo frame...…
* Affordable High quality and museum class scratchboard , no toxic and environmentally friendly;
Once again I thank you for taking the time to consider our new product and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Sir/Madam
This is Mr. Huang Chengqi (Joshua) from Ningbo Xinhai Bearing Factory of China writing to you, hope this email finds you in your best time. And thank you for taking a few minutes to read about our factory product recommendation. We believe our bearings can provide excellent benefits to your company.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
這些都是我們要去考慮的因素,下面是一篇關于寫產品英文推薦信的范文:Dear xxxThis is *** from *** Co., Ltd. of China writting to you, hope this mail finds you in your best time.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about our new product
recommendation. We believe our ****** (產品名)can provide excellent benefits to your company.
Products Features(簡要列出產品特點):
* Brand New and creative concept for DIY crafts;
* Easy to handle,Amazing decor effects & exciting user experience;
* Great gifts for Christmas, birthday and Valentine'sDay, Anniversaries * Affordable High quality and museum class scratchboard , no toxic and environmentally friendly;
Once again I thank you for taking the time to consider our new product and I look forward to hearing from you soon.