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  以經(jīng)典美文誦讀作為突破口,破解當(dāng)今學(xué)生 讀書苦,苦讀書 的現(xiàn)狀。下面小編整理了中學(xué)經(jīng)典英語美文摘抄,希望大家喜歡!


  On the Seashore


  On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.

  The infinite sky is motionless overhead

  And the restless water is boisterous.

  On the seashore of endless worlds

  The children meet with shouts and dances





  They build their houses with sand,

  And they play with empty shells.

  With withered leaves they weave

  Their boats and smilingly float them

  On the vast deep.

  Children have their play on the

  Seashore of worlds.





  They know not how to swim,

  They know not how to cast nets.

  Pearl-fishers dive for pearls,

  Merchants sail in their ships,

  While children gather pebbles

  And scatter them again.

  They seek not for hidden treasures,

  They know not how to cast nets.





  The sea surges up with laughter,

  And pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.

  Death-dealing waves sing

  Meaningless ballads to the children,

  Even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle.

  The sea plays with children,

  And pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.







  On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.

  Tempest roams in the pathless sky,

  Ships are wrecked in the trackless water,

  Death is abroad and children play.

  On the seashore of endless worlds is the

  Great meeting of children.







  A Spring in the desert沙漠里的春天

  It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. The little prince repeated so that he would be sure to remember.

  I'm full of imagination about the little prince. In particular, his laughter is like a spring of fresh water in the desert and throws me into deep thought.

  To make our society harmonious, the tie between you and me should be established with responsibility and dedication. Every day, make a cup of tea for your mother instead of staying inbed to wait your mother to wake you up; write a letter to a child who drops out of school instead of chatting online all day long; send warm greetings to the disabled instead of making fun of beggars. The more love give, the better our society will become.

  Every day, the adult are occupied with endless work, most of which is done in vain, while children make efforts to explore nature instead of burying heads in piles of paper. More often than not, the adult are confused of their goals of life or content with their present achievements. On the contrary, children keep discovering new things with curiosity all the time. Stick to your goals from now on to contribute to the social development.

  To make our society peaceful, a pure heart is needed. What the adult care is money, amusement, profit, reputation and so forth. In the sight of children, watering flowers, protecting grasses or feeding animals are more important. So try to make your heart closer to the pure heart of children.

  There is a song: heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race. There’re people dying. If you care enough for the living, make it a better place for you and for me.

  Thus, if we do as the song tells us, in the future, the desert is to be covered with springs of fresh water.


  Tell Me The Truth About Love


  Some say that love's a little boy, And some say it's bird. Some say it makes the world go round, And some say that's absurd, And when I asked the man next-door, Who looked as if he knew, His wife got very cross indeed, And said it wouldn't do. Does it look a pair of pyjamas, Or the ham in a temperance hotel? Does its odor remind one of llamas, Or has it a comforting smell? Is it sharp or quite smooth at the edges? Oh tell me the truth about love. When it comes, will it come without warning Just as I'm picking my nose? Will its knock on my door in the morning, Or tread in the bus on my toes? Will it come like a change in the weather? Will it greeting be courteous or rough? Will it alter my life altogether? Oh tell me the truth about love.

  有人說愛情是個(gè)小男孩 也有人說像只小鳥 有人說它令世界運(yùn)行 也有人說那是荒謬, 當(dāng)我去詢問鄰居的男子 他仿佛對(duì)愛情了燃 而他的妻子怒火填腐, 說那并無可能。 愛情看起來像一條睡褲, 還是像無酒旅館的火腿? 它聞起來是駱駝的氣味, 還是芬芳而溫馨? 它摸起來是猶如多刺的樹籬, 還是柔軟若鴨絨? 它的凌厲還是光滑? 哦,告訴我愛情的真相吧。 愛情的來臨是否悄無預(yù)告 像我挖鼻子那樣嗎? 它是否會(huì)在早晨敲響我的門, 還是會(huì)給我一腳踩到公共汽車?yán)? 它的到來會(huì)不會(huì)像季候的變化? 它的問候是謙恭仰或粗魯? 它會(huì)讓我的生活天翻地覆嗎? 哦,告訴我愛情的真相吧。


以經(jīng)典美文誦讀作為突破口,破解當(dāng)今學(xué)生 讀書苦,苦讀書 的現(xiàn)狀。下面小編整理了中學(xué)經(jīng)典英語美文摘抄,希望大家喜歡! 中學(xué)經(jīng)典英語美文摘抄品析 On the Seashore 在海岸 On the seashore of endless worlds children meet. The infinite