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  單身生活(Single Living)

  In the closely-knit rural society before the turn of the century, an unmarried adult was rare. The reason for any person's single status had to be an unfortunate one. Those who chose not to marry were considered abnormal, career obsessed, or homosexual. Those whose hands were never sought were lonely losers unattractive, handicapped, deviant.

  In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the conventional conception of the unmarried person as a lonely loser began to yield to a new conception -- the swinging single. Apartment complexes in urban centers advertised a lifestyle organized around the swimming pool and clubroom featuring nightly cocktail parties and the imagination that everyone paired off by bedtime. Magazines such as PLAYBOY and PENTHOUSE,PLAYGIRL and VIVA enhanced the image of this new single life. News magazines ran features that assumed that a rapidly growing proportion of the population would remain permanently single.

  The idea gained credibility from two facts: First, the number of unmarried adults in the United States increased from 12.9 million in 1960 to 25.6 million two decades later. Second, the median age at the time of marriage, a figure that had declined steadily from 1900 to 1960, began to climb again:increasing numbers of young adults are delaying their first marriage to their late twenties or early thirties.

  Whether or not a new lifestyle of permanent single hood is emerging, substantial numbers of people are living it, at least temporarily. But contrary to the media view, there is no one lifestyle for singles. Most singles have a surprisingly orthodox lifestyle that focuses on finding a place to live, attempting to find a satisfying job, and seeking friends, dates, and ultimately a more permanent relationship. Only in fairly large cities do you find special facilities catering to singles. In fact in smaller communities there are still examples of prejudice against single adults by employers and landlords who regard the whole group as irresponsible and wild.







  Nowadays,more and more people prefer to remain single,no matter it is a man or a lady.Perhaps,it is just because of the social development.People would not like to have much more responsibility on themselves.In another word,it is ,perhaps,due to the social pressure.People are afraid of marriage and children-raising.Mainly because it is not easy for people to find an ideal job,and to earn enough money to support the family.Meanwhile,some people are afraid of failure,especially the failure in marriage.Everybody knows that the attitude towards marriage now is changing.It is much easier for people to make new friends with the development of the modern science,such as,mobile phone and internet.Therefore,it is much easier for people to get devoice.



  In her tinny flat, which she shares with two cats and a flock of porcelain owls, Chi Yingying describes her parents as wanting to be the controlling shareholders in her life. Even when she was in her early 20s, her mother raged at her for being unmarried. At 28 Ms Chi took “the most courageous decision of my life”and moved into her own home. Now 33, she relishes the privacy—at a price: her monthly rent of 4,000 yuan (5) swallows nearly half her salary.

  在她和她的兩只貓以及一堆貓頭鷹瓷器共同居住的蝸居里,Chi Yingying將她的父母描繪成一直想要控制她生活的“大股東”。盡管早在她20歲的時(shí)候,她老母就為她未婚一事大動(dòng)肝火。但是chi小姐還是在28歲時(shí)做了“生命中最勇敢的決定”——搬出去自己住?,F(xiàn)在她33歲了,可她任然享受隱私——當(dāng)然這是要付出代價(jià)的——她每個(gè)月要拿出4000元人民幣(625美元)來(lái)付房租,這個(gè)數(shù)目將近工資的一半了。

  In many countries leaving the family home well before marriage is a rite of passage. But in China choosing to live alone and unmarried as Ms Chi has done is eccentric verging on taboo. Chinese culture attaches a particularly high value to the idea that families should live together. Yet ever more people are living alone.


  In the decade to 2010 the number of single-person households doubled. Today over 58m Chinese live by themselves, according to census data, a bigger number of one-person homes than in America, Britain and France combined. Solo dwellers make up 14% of all households. That is still low compared with rates found in Japan or Taiwan (see chart), but the proportion will certainly increase.


  The pattern of Chinese living alone is somewhat different from that in the West, because tens of millions of (mainly poor) migrant workers have moved away from home to find work in more prosperous regions of China; many in this group live alone, often in shoeboxes. Yet for the most part younger Chinese living alone are from among the better-off. “Freedom and new wealth”have broken China’s traditional family structures, says Jing Jun of Tsinghua University in Beijing.


  The better-educated under-30-year-olds are, and the more money they have, the more likely they are to live alone. Rich parts of China have more non-widowed single dwellers: in Beijing a fifth of homes house only one person. The marriage age is rising, particularly in big cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou, where the average man marries after 30 and the average woman at 28, older than their American counterparts. Divorce rates are also increasing, though they are still much lower than in America. More than 3.5m Chinese couples split up each year, which adds to the number of single households.


  For some, living alone is a transitional stage on the way to marriage, remarriage or family reunification. But for a growing number of people it may be a permanent state. In cities, many educated, urban women stay single, often as a positive choice—a sign of rising status and better employment opportunities. Rural areas, by contrast, have a skewed sex ratio in which men outnumber women, a consequence of families preferring sons and aborting female fetuses or abandoning baby girls. The consequence is millions of reluctant bachelors.


  In the past, adulthood in China used, almost without exception, to mean marriage and having children within supervised rural or urban structures. Now a growing number of Chinese live beyond prying eyes, able to pursue the social and sexual lives they choose.


  In the long run that poses a political challenge: the love of individual freedom is something that the Chinese state has long tried to quash. Living alone does not have to mean breaching social norms—phones and the internet make it easier than ever to keep in touch with relations, after all. Yet loosening family ties may open up space for new social networks, interest groups, even political aspirations of which the state may come to disapprove.


  For now those who live alone are often subject to mockery. Unmarried females are labelled “leftover women”; unmarried men, “bare branches”—for the family tree they will never grow. An online group called “women living alone” is stacked with complaints about being told to “get a boyfriend”.


  Even eating out can be a trial, since Chinese food culture is associated with groups of people sharing a whole range of dishes. After repeated criticism for dining alone, in 2014 Yanni Cai, a Shanghai journalist, wrote “Eating Alone”, a book on how singletons can adapt Chinese cuisine to make a single plate a meal in itself. According to tradition, even a frugal Chinese meal comprises “four dishes and one soup”. A single diner is likely to find that rather too much to stomach.

  甚至下館子也成了一個(gè)問(wèn)題,中國(guó)的飲食文化是與一群人共享佳肴聯(lián)系起來(lái)的。在無(wú)數(shù)次被批評(píng)一個(gè)人吃飯之后,在2014年一個(gè)上海的記者Yanni Cai寫(xiě)了一本名為《吃獨(dú)食》的書(shū)。該本書(shū)旨在為單身吃貨如何在中國(guó)的烹調(diào)下為自己做上一餐盤(pán)可口的飯菜提供指導(dǎo)。根據(jù)中國(guó)傳統(tǒng),最“共產(chǎn)黨員“的料理也應(yīng)該有”四菜一湯“。但對(duì)于單身人士來(lái)說(shuō),吃這么多菜他們有可能會(huì)消化不良。





