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  高級英文寫作范文:Replying to an enquiry


  Dear Mr Zampieri

  With reference to your letter dated 14 June, inwhichyou requested information about A Cut Above,pleasefind enclosed details about our company andtheservices we offer.

  Our aim is always to provide our clients with thebestcombination of food, entertainment andlocation.By choosing A Cut Above, you can relaxand enjoyyour special occasion while we do all thework. Eventscatered for by A Cut Above include corporate functions such as conversationsand Christmasballs and also family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.

  A Cut Above offers a variety of services from simply providing a gourmet menu to helpingyouchoose the right venue and organise entertainment. We specialise in using our experiencetomeet your needs. To help us achieve this aim, we always arrange a meeting with a newclientwell before the date of any event in order to discuss the various possibilities.

  As you can appreciate, we are unable to give quotations before our initial briefing with aclientas price per head varies with the choice of menu.

  To arrange a meeting or for any further information, please do not hesitate to contactmyself orElena Polidoro on 01623 713698.

  A Cut Above looks forward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely

  Sinead Welsh

  Describing graphs Ex 4: Sample answer: (132words)

  The share price of IBM and AOL showed aupward trend from June until the endof1998.However, while AOL shares then continued torise steadily over the next three months,the price ofIBM shares fell slightly. By March 1999 both shareswere worth about 0.

  AOL shares then shot up, almost doubling invalue within four weeks. They reached a high of0in mid-April before collapsing to just over 0 pershare at the beginning of May. Therewas a slightrecovery during that month however, despite this by June 1999 the price of AOLshares wasonce again about 0. In contrast, despite minor fluctuations, IBM shares made asteadyrecovery over the three month period, finishing at just over 0, almost equal to AOL..

  高級英文寫作范文:Suggested answer

  The last years of twentieth century saw theInternetbeing used by more and more companies asabusiness tool. In 1997 e-commerce was verylimitedearning a revenue of less than billion.However,since then, there has been a steadygrowthworldwide. This trend looks set to continueinto thenext century with revenue from e-commerce risingto reach almost 0 billion by2003.

  Like e-commerce, e-business has shownsteadygrowth with revenue tripling in the period1997 to 2000, rising from about billion to 0billion. However, during there is predictedto be a far more dramatic increase in e-businessrevenue over the next three years. It isthought that by 2003 revenue from e-business willhave reached over 0 billion worldwide.


  Business practices in China Ex 3: Sample answer: (244words)

  Dear Chen,

  I was very pleased to receive your letter. Asrequested, I enclose some advice aboutvisitingMilan.

  There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and Irecommend the Hotel Wagner; it is about aten-minute walk from the trade fair and also has themetro and train connections. The publictransportsystem here is quite reliable and I do not think youneed to hire a car; the traffic inMilan can be a bit chaotic.

  Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty of restaurantsandpizzerias near the hotel. My favourite is Nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood pasta.

  It is difficult to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city has so much to offer.Ifyou are interested in art, then the world famous ‘Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci is ashorttrain ride from the hotel or you could visit the Brera art gallery. There is also theDuomo,Milan's huge gothic cathedral. If you are interested in football, there should be midweekmatchfeaturing either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashion area aroundviaMontenapoleone.

  Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during you stay. I would be very happytoaccept.

  I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time. We can then make the arrangementsforwhere and when we are going to meet.

  Best regards


  高級英文寫作范文:Report writing


  This report sets out to use Workset colourstoassess the accuracy of my job description asPRofficer and to suggest a number of changes.


  It is clear that there is a difference between theway the company views the job and the realityas I perceive it. Firstly, a number of areas whichdemand a significant proportion of my timeare not mentioned in the official job brief. Thesegment on the pie chart which provides mostcause for concern is the pink sector; this relatesto my attendance at a number of meetingswhich I can contribute little. Another significantarea is the grey segment; this refers to theunscheduled time I spend sorting out computerproblems. I feel these activities are hamperingmy core work. As can be seen from the piecharts, the time I spend actively working to meet thegoals agreed with my line manager is lessthan envisaged.


  The above discrepancies clearly indicate that my current job brief is inaccurate.


  I would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the Workset colours.Itwould also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colours in the pie chart andtoinvestigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suitedtothese tasks.

  高級英文寫作范文:The headhunting process

  Dear Mr Jacobs

  I am writing to apply to the position of SalesAdviser for the North East Region which wasadvertised in Herald International yesterday.

  Although I am currently working in the MarketingDepartment of a large multinational, I wouldappreciate to work for a rapidly expanding youngcompany such as yours.

  As you can see from my enclosed CV, I obtainedan honours degree in Sales and Marketing from Nottingham University in 1994. I thoroughlyenjoyed the six months I spent in working in Boots plc as pert of the course. During this time Igained invaluable insights into the nature of sales. After leaving university I initially spent timeworking for a small local firm before finding my current job and I feel that I am more suited tothe dynamics and varied demands of a smaller firm.

  Not only has my experience familiarised me with the challenges faced by the industry todaybut, having been brought up in the north east, I know the region, its problems and itsundoubted potential. As a result, I feel that I would be able to relate to your customers onboth a professional and a personal level.

  I am available for interview from 15 September and would be pleased to discuss my CV inmore detail then,

  I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely

  A motivation survey

  Ex 3: Sample answer: (116words)


  A number of employees clearly suffer from a lackof motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one ormore areas of their work. The key findings areoutlined below:

  Staff feel undervalued by the company, both ona financial and a personal level. It is generally felt thatthe companyˇs competitors offer higher levels ofremuneration. The perception that the managersare unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.

  Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its humanresources.

  There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. Theconfusion and resultant ill-feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt theproduction cycles.


  We strongly recommend the following measures:

  An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could beutilised more efficiently

  A review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similarorganisations

  It is also essential to investigate and take action regarding the communication in theProduction and Sales Department.






