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  新時代男性新主張 做個家庭婦男挺好

  Today, roles have been reversed. We are not a gender-driven society, or at least moving towards one that is not defined by gender. It’s okay if you are not interested in a corporate life anymore and are much happier when you stay at home, taking care of the household chores. There’s no shame in being a househusband. It’s actually quite awesome. Here’s why:


  No Monday blues


  No more rushing to work, struggling to finish a presentation, getting loaded with more work. No more cribbing on Sundays about the impending Monday. No more whining about how you hate your job。


  No horrible boss


  No more dealing with rude bosses, or unreasonable colleagues. No more dreading facing him or her. No more pressure to finish business reports or reach business targets. No more dealing with office politics。


  Drinking hot afternoon over a fancy lunch


  Once in a while you can pop over to a nice Italian or Spanish restaurant and have a nice lunch with some beer. You can treat yourself once a week. And an afternoon beer is that much more delicious than an evening one。


  More relaxing


  As a househusband you get to be more relaxed. Your only worry possibly will be the maid not coming on time, or curbs on the water supply. You get to leave all the stress related to an office job. No more driving to work on increasingly busy roads. No more getting your BP high because of idiotic, rash drivers. You will breathe easy and be much calmer。


  Bonding with kids


  If you’ve just had a kid, you couldn’t have asked for more. You get to spend all the lovely time with your son or daughter. You get to play with them, feed them, bathe them, dress them up, read them stories. There can’t be a more rewarding job. You will be able to see them grow。


  Work from the luxury of your home


  You can pick up odd jobs to increase your income. You can take up things like resume writing or essay writing for MBA[微博] students etc. If you’re an IT person, you can do some freelance work in your domain. There are tons of things you can do. You can blog, even. Working from home is great。


  Happier married life


  If the house is spotless and your kids are fed and happy, your wife will be the happiest. If she doesn’t have to come home and do all the housework on top of it, she will fall in love with you every day. She will appreciate what you do and your married life will be much stronger and happier。


  Patience and empathy


  Being a househusband makes you respect women more. You realise how much work they do day in, day out. Taking care of the house and kids will teach you things about yourself, things you thought you never had. Patience and empathy, for example, for others。


  You get to cook what you want


  That’s right. Get all the recipe books and whip up some gorgeous meals. You can cook what you like and impress your wife or girlfriend. Follow shows like Master Chef Australia for added help and inspiration。


  Improved health


  Once you get around to doing housework and playing with your children and doing a grocery, or garbage run, you will become fitter and healthier. Much healthier than sitting on an office chair for eight hours straight。



  By teaching your children fire safety you can make sure they know what to do when a house fire occurs. Making sure that your children know exactly what is required of them cuts down on the chaos of the emergency situation and helps keep your family safe and secure.

  All children should know about important fire safety procedures such as the need to stay low to the ground in a smoky room and the need to stop, drop, and roll if their clothes should catch fire. Staying low to the ground keeps you from inhaling smoke, as smoke always rises towards the ceiling. Smoke inhalation can lead to unconsciousness, and is a big component of deaths caused by house fires. Tell your family members that they can put a damp rag or a piece of clothing over their faces and breathe in through it in order to cut down on the effects of smoke inhalation even more. However, you generally shouldn't waste time finding a damp rag in an emergency; it's also dangerous to use a faucet to wet a damp rag depending on the severity of the fire, as if the water pipes in your home are exposed to high temperatures the water traveling through them may be converted to steam which will blast out of the faucet and cause burns.

  Make sure your children know how to correctly stop, drop, and roll and feel confident in the fact that it works. It smothers the fire and deprives it of oxygen, which puts out the flames. The usual response to clothing catching on fire is to run around and flail about wildly, which only exposes the fire to more oxygen and feeds the flames. Your children should also know to touch door handles before opening the door to see if they are hot. If they are, it means that there's a fire in the next room, and they should leave the door closed and find another route out of the house.

  Make sure your children understand that they should never play with lighters or matches. Fires started by playing with these things are the leading cause of fire-related injuries in children under five years old. Many children are fascinated by lighters and matches and want to experiment with lighting things on fire to see what happens. Hide lighters and matches in your home and keep them out of the reach of your children in order to cut down on the temptation. Make sure all flammable liquids such as gasoline and lighter fluid are securely stored out of the reach of your kids.

  Do regular fire drills to practice your evacuation plan so that your family knows what to do in an emergency. Make sure everyone knows all the possible exit points of the house that they can use; a fire in your home will be a chaotic situation, and it's best to make sure all members of your family know your evacuation plan well enough so that it is second nature and they don't have to waste time thinking if a fire starts. Quick, determined response to a fire will save your family members' lives.



  When in an hour they crowded into a cab to go home, I strolled idly to my club. I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch of envy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse. They seemed devoted to one another. They had little private jokes of their own which, unintelligible to the outsider, amused them enormously. Perhaps Charles Strickland was dull judged by a standard that demanded above all things verbalscintillation; but his intelligence was adequate to his surroundings, and that is a passport, not only to reasonable success, but still more to happiness. Mrs. Strickland was a charming woman, and she loved him. I pictured their lives, troubled by no untoward adventure, honest, decent, and, by reason of those two upstanding, pleasant children, so obviously destined to carry on the normal traditions of their race and station, not without significance. They would grow old insensibly; they would see their son and daughter come to years of reason, marry in due course —— the one a pretty girl, future mother of healthy children; the other a handsome, manly fellow, obviously a soldier; and at last, prosperous in their dignified retirement, beloved by their descendants, after a happy, notunuseful life, in the fullness of their age they would sink into the grave.

  ——Excerpt from the Moon and Sixpennce by W. Somerset Maugham

  一個鐘頭以后,這一家擠上一輛馬車回家去了,我也一個人懶散地往俱樂部踱去。我也許感到有一點寂寞, 回想我剛才瞥見的這種幸福家庭生活,心里不無艷羨之感。這一家人感情似乎非常融洽。他們說一些外人無從理解的小笑話,笑得要命。如果純粹從善于辭令這一角度衡量一個人的智慧,也許查理斯。思特里克蘭德算不得聰明,但是在他自己的那個環(huán)境里,他的智慧還是綽綽有余的,這不僅是事業(yè)成功的敲門磚,而且是生活幸福的保障。思特里克蘭德太太是一個招人喜愛的女人,她很愛她的丈夫。我想象著這一對夫妻的生活,不受任何災(zāi)殃禍變的干擾,誠實、體面,兩個孩子更是規(guī)矩可 愛,肯定會繼承和發(fā)揚這一家人的地位和傳統(tǒng)。在不知不覺間,他們倆的年紀越來越老,兒女卻逐漸長大成人,到了一定的年齡,就會結(jié)婚成家——一個已經(jīng)出息成 美麗的姑娘,將來還會生育活潑健康的孩子;另一個則是儀表堂堂的男子漢,顯然會成為一名軍人。最后這一對夫妻告老引退,受到子孫敬愛,過著富足、體面的晚 年。他們幸福的一生并未虛度,直到年壽已經(jīng)很高,才告別了人世。









發(fā)展家庭社會工作是我國應(yīng)對社會變遷對社會結(jié)構(gòu)的影響的重要途徑之一。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編帶來的有關(guān)家庭英文文章欣賞,歡迎閱讀! 有關(guān)家庭英文文章欣賞篇一 新時代男性新主張 做個家庭婦男挺好 Today, roles have been reversed. We are


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