My pets were out practicing football.
My frog intercepted a pass.
My cat and my dog and my bunny
then tackled him flat on the grass.
My bunny lies over my doggy.
My doggie's on top of my cat.
My kitty is over my froggy,
and that's why my froggy is flat.
Green splat. Green splat.
Oh, that's why my froggy is flat, like that.
Green splat. Green splat.
Oh, that's why my froggy is flat.
My froggy's as flat as a pancake.
A paper-thin froggy's the worst.
He cannot eat flies now for dinner
except when I flatten them first.
If you see your pets playing football,
it's best if you bring them inside
or you may end up with a froggy
who's flattened and seven feet wide
A hippo is bounding around on my head.
Gorillas are banging on drums.
A rhino is charging me full speed ahead
while a crocodile's eyeing my thumbs.
A rattlesnake's winding his way up my side.
A tiger is sniffing my clothes.
A grizzly just grabbed me, his mouth open wide.
A tarantula's perched on my nose.
I'm drowning, surrounded by man-eating sharks.
An elephant sits on my chest.
Yes, that's how it feels when the teacher remarks,
"Grab your pencils. It's time for the test."