Quasimodo had just died, so the rector was looking for a new hunchback to ring the great bell of Notre Dame cathedral.But the first man who applied for the job was not only a hunchback, but armless as well.
'Of course, I'd like to give you the job," said the priest,"but how will you manage it?" "Never fear," replied the dauntless paraplegic. "Just watch;! "
The two men went up to the bell tower and there the applicant took a run at the great bell, striking it with his face.The effect was magnificent, and the hunchback repeated his performance several times. However, he soon became dizzy and at the next run, missed the bell completely and went hurtling out of the bell tower to crash to his death in the courtyard below.
The priest rushed down to the crumpled body, over which a policeman was already standing. "Do you know this fellow's name?" asked the cop. "No, but his face certainly rings a bell!"
On a rainy, miserable day, the funeral procession was climbing the steep hill to the cemetery, when suddenly the rear doors of the hearse broke open and the coffin slid out.
To the horror of the mourners, the casket hurtled down the hill, scattering motorists and pedestrians. At tremendous speed it leaped onto the sidewalk and barreled into a drugstore. It crashed into the counter and the lid flew open
"For Heaven's sake," said the corpse to the astonished pharmacist, "give me something to stop this coffin. "
A fellow who was rather slow on the uptake had been suffering from constipation, so the doctor provided him with some suppositories.
A week later, the patient came back to tell the doctor that his condition had not improved.
"I'm amazed," said the doctor. " Have you been taking the medicine I prescribed for you?"
"What do you think I've been doing, shoving it up my ass?"
"What do you think I've been doing, shoving it up my ass?"